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Current Contest

In this submission, the story will be broken into several pages that you will find one at a time until you reach the puzzle room.  Once the pages are all found it will be combined into a book.  The exhibits described, give clues as to how you should be filling the cylinders.

Entry 1 - The Museum - Kyle Walls

One night I visited the local museum, seeing as this was the last day it would be there. Tomorrow it would relocate to a much larger and nicer location just down the road. The museum curator sat in the middle of a room I never understood before. There were only 4 seemingly unrelated exhibits, an empty cylindrical glass fish tank in the center of the room, and a bench by the tank on which she sat with a depressed expression upon her face. 

The southwest corner had a bell that looked as if it would break if anyone tried to ring it even once more

To the southeast was a foreign coin that I later researched to be the equivalent of 20 cents. Why would someone save such an insignificant coin that was not even worth a single dollar?

To the Northwest was a History book covering our town's history from years 1000 to 1050, though it was missing about half of the book.  The pages are missing after 1030.

To the Northwest was a History book covering our town's history from years 1000 to 1050, though it was missing about half of the book.  The pages are missing after 1030.

To the Northeast was a preserved cave drawing of a pair of lizards. 

When I asked her why she looked so sad, she replied, "this room will be lost in the process of moving our museum, But it can teach us how to fill more than just our time.  Without this museum, some mysteries will go unsolved." I never quite understood what she meant...

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